旧 23-09-29   #1 (永久链接)
同城: 未知
注册日期: 23-09-29
帖子: 1
致谢数: 0
声望力: 0
印前声誉: 0 级 Hubert 草根印前
默认 Newly discovered audiobooks: recommendations and enthusiasm

I wanted to share my excitement about some great neue hörbücher I recently discovered. Audiobooks are a great way to immerse yourself in stories, especially when you're on the go or don't have time to read. Here are my top recommendations:

1. Boum - Lisa Eckhart
2. Der Pfau - Isabel Bogdan
3. Argumentieren unter Stress: Wie man unfaire Angriffe erfolgreich abwehrt - Albert Thiele

I hope you enjoy these audiobooks as much as I do. Feel free to share your own suggestions or your thoughts on the works mentioned above. Let's explore the world of audiobooks together!

Best regards,
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