旧 10-01-03   #2 (永久链接)
同城: 未知
注册日期: 09-08-15
帖子: 3
印前币: 158.58
致谢数: 0
声望力: 0
印前声誉: 0 级 defg489 草根印前
难过 Waiting in a hotel in

?Waiting in a hotel in Dublin's city centre there's a scattering of adolesecents with guitar cases; the place is a like an Irish version of Hogwarths where teenage boys swap magic wands for 'ghd' straighteners. When Yngve joins me with a pint of Guinness he informs me there's music lessons happening, how he knows this I do not know. But nevermind, lets move on with the interview. Yngve comes across much as his music does - matter of fact but slightly dreamy, warm, self-assured but not cocky. He has considered most of the angles and is set on a clear musical vision. His current E.P. 'Have You No Love' is a blues-tinged slice of Americana. ghdghd straightenersghd hair straighteners
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